Januarary 3, 2018
Susan Goes, Executive Director, 541-942-8001
Cottage Theatre opens 2018 season with Noises Off
Cottage Grove, OR -- Cottage Theatre kicks off its 2018 season in February with Noises Off, an outrageous, door-slamming, backstage farce written in 1982 by English playwright Michael Frayn. Noises Off is the first of six shows in the theatre's 2018 season, which consists of three musicals and three plays, including a world premiere drama in August as part of the American Association of Community Theatre's 2018 NewPlayFest. Cottage Theatre's production of Noises Off runs for three weekends from February 2 - 18.
Called “the funniest farce ever written” by the New York Post, Noises Off portrays a manic menagerie of itinerant actors presenting a farce called Nothing’s On. With the players’ susceptibility to out-of-control egos, memory loss, and passionate affairs, every performance is a high-risk adventure. This play-within-a-play follows the touring troupe’s production through three stages: the disastrous technical rehearsal, a matinee a month later (as seen from backstage), and a performance towards the end of the debilitating ten-week run. On stage, it’s a whirlwind of slamming doors, missed cues, dropped lines, and dropped trousers. Backstage, it’s a chaotic maelstrom of love triangles and trampled egos, and there’s no one without an axe to grind . . . or swing. Brimming with slapstick humor – and flying sardines! – Noises Off is the quintessential backstage farce.
Cottage Theatre's production of Noises Off is directed and designed by Tony Rust, with costumes by Melissa Cooper and lighting by Amanda Ferguson. The ensemble cast consists of Nikki Pagniano, Phil Dempsey, Autumn Carter, Kory Weimer, Sophie Blades, Mark Allen, Josh Carlton, Melissa Miller, and Ward Fairbairn.
Noises Off runs for eleven performances at Cottage Theatre from February 2 - 18. Performances are Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:00 pm, and Sunday afternoons at 2:30 pm.
Tickets are available online at www.cottagetheatre.org, by phone at 541-942-8001, or in person at the Cottage Theatre Box Office, 700 Village Drive, Cottage Grove. Tickets are $25 for adults and $15 for youth (18 & under). Box Office hours are Wednesday through Friday, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, and one hour before performances. All seating is reserved and advance purchase is recommended.