November 12, 2018
Susan Goes, Executive Director, 541-942-8001
Cottage Theatre holds auditions for Romeo and Juliet
Cottage Grove, OR — Cottage Theatre will hold auditions on Monday, December 3 and Tuesday, December 4 for Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Auditions will be at 6:30 pm and no appointment is necessary. Actors need only attend one evening. Auditions will take place at Cottage Theatre, 700 Village Drive, Cottage Grove. Roles are available for high school age through older adults.
Romeo and Juliet, the first show in Cottage Theatre's 2019 season, will be on stage February 1 -17, 2019. This timeless tale of two star-crossed lovers is directed by Tony Rust.
Interested actors are requested to prepare a one-minute Shakespeare monologue. Having this memorized is highly suggested. Auditions will also include reading from the script, as well as a brief fight audition, as swordplay is integral to the production.
Additional audition details are available at www.cottagetheatre.org, or by calling Cottage Theatre at 541-942-8001.