February 19, 2014
Susan Goes, Executive Director, (541)942-8001
Amanda Ferguson, Artistic Director, (541)409-2522
Cottage Theatre announces auditions for Moon Over Buffalo
Cottage Grove, OR — Cottage Theatre will hold auditions for Moon Over Buffalo, a madcap backstage comedy by Ken Ludwig, on Saturday March, 15 and Sunday March 16 at 1:00 pm. Auditions will be held in the Rehearsal Hall at the theatre, located at 700 Village Drive in Cottage Grove.
A cast of 4 men (age 20s to 50s) and 4 women (age 20s to 70s) is needed for this production. Moon Over Buffalo will run for 10 performances from June 13 - 29, 2014. Janet Rust is the director.
This hilarious play centers around Charlotte and George Hay, who are on tour at the Erlanger Theatre in Buffalo in 1953, with a repertory consisting of Cyrano de Bergerac(“revised, one nostril version”) and Noel Coward’s Private Lives. On the brink of a disastrous split-up caused by George’s dalliance with a young ingénue, they receive word that they might have one final shot at stardom: Frank Capra is coming to town to see their matinee, and if he likes what he sees, he might cast them in his movie remake of The Scarlet Pimpernel. Unfortunately for George and Charlotte, everything that could go wrong does go wrong, abetted by a visit from their daughter’s clueless fiancé and hilarious uncertainty about which play they’re actually performing.
These auditions are open to any interested actors and no appointment is necessary. Auditioners are asked to come prepared to give a comedic monologue or tell a 1-2 minute funny story. The audition will also include reading from the script. For more information, please contact Cottage Theatre at (541)942-8001 or visit www.cottagetheatre.org.